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Scottish Power CEO warned that rising gas prices could drive energy bills to nearly £3,000 in October

In May 2022 Scottish Power CEO Keith Anderson told the Daily Mail that the increase cost of importing gas could drive bills to nearly £3000 in October. It is estimated that nearly 10 million UK homes may no longer be able to afford paying their energy bills and Anderson called on the government to set up a support scheme.

The government duly obliged and announced a support scheme worth £15billion. Here is a breakdown:

Energy bills support scheme doubled to a one-off £400 to be delivered to households with a domestic meter over 6 months from October 2022. Prepayment customers will have this applied to their meter or paid via a voucher

£650 one off cost of living payment for people on means tested benefits:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Pension Credit

Benefits The DWP will make the payment in two lump sums, with one payment in July and the 2nd in autumn.

£150 council tax rebate for properties in council tax bands A-D

It seems that the government has acted but with reports of energy bills going even higher, is this enough? There is also an increase cost of food, clothing and fuel prices. Inflation is on the rise and the UK is headed into a recession. Have you taken advantage of this help? If not we suggest that you look into it further by contacting the relevant bodies for each payment.

Due to the cost of rising energy prices, we at ukenergygrants it is vital to ensure that your home is well insulated and has a high energy efficiency rating. There are many grants available to do this. Click here to find out more

The information contained in this article is from a mixture of web based sources including

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